Remembering a Devoted Friend

We will miss Lee C. Wei, a loyal friend of Children's Village and proponent of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning, who recently passed away.

A generous supporter, Lee came to know Children’s Village through family member Marcia Kung who served on Children's Village's Board of Directors for more than a decade, including leading the Board as President. Both the Kung and Wei families have been longtime members of our donor family. 

Of Lee’s commitment to Children’s Village, Marcia Kung states:

Lee had a long-abiding love for the early care and education of young children. Her passion for this work led her to take graduate courses in youth counseling and Lee loved everything about Children's Village. She especially liked that Children's Village had a wide array of programming available. With a degree in chemistry and married to an engineer - Lee became really interested in STEM programming for young children. Her last visit to Children's Village was in relation to STEM learning and the hands-on educational activities taking place at the center.

“We were fortunate to know Lee, benefit from her generosity, and be uplifted by her enthusiasm for STEM, especially her championing STEM for young girls. I recall that she was delighted to learn that our first teacher to earn PA certification to lead professional development workshops was Kim Bixler, and that Kim’s area of expertise was STEM,” says Mary Graham, Executive Director, Children’s Village.

Children’s Village extends our sympathy to Lee’s loved ones. Plans are underway to permanently recognize her commitment to young learners and their families.

Lee C. Wei appreciated our commitment to STEM education, including (below) learning-through-play opportunities encouraging exploration and discovery of scientific concepts

Ellen Saint Clair