TELL CONGRESS: Think Babies and Act for child care!

Congress is working on the next COVID-19 relief package. We’ve generated thousands of calls already but they need to hear from you! Take action and ask your Representative and Senators to Think Babies and Act. Together we can ensure that the nation’s child care system is fully supported and stable, so parents can return to work and our economy can fully recover.



Call (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Members of Congress. Remember to call both of your Senators and your Representative! Not sure who your Representative is? Look them up here


Use the script below to guide your message, either with a staffer or on voicemail:

 Hi, my name is ____, and I’m a constituent.

I am deeply concerned that the child care relief funding provided so far falls far short of the system’s need. Child care is essential for our economic recovery.

I urge the Senator/Representative to make sure that the child care system receives at least the $50 billion it needs to survive in the next COVID package.

We must also maintain the critical protections that babies and children need to stay safe, especially during a pandemic!

America’s families cannot return to work unless they have safe, reliable child care options available to them. But the child care system is currently on life support – and if we don’t save it now, America’s children, families, and economy – our future – will suffer.

Thank you.

 Thank you for advocating with us!

Jennifer Krout