
The next federal stimulus package is ready to be sent to our legislators and representatives. Alarmingly, CHILD CARE IS NOT INCLUDED.

Although Children’s Village and a number of other child care centers did receive various grants and loans, these are short-term fixes. Child care programs will not have the capacity to operate in the future without a MAJOR influx of funding from the federal government.

In PA, we urge you to contact Senator Bob Casey and  Senator Pat Toomey now.

We also ask you to contact your U.S. representatives.

This year alone, Children’s Village is serving 425+ children from hundreds of families. It’s a real possibility there will be no child care sector to return when public health leaders say it is safe to re-open.

Advocates at  National Women’s Law Center are also providing this TAKE ACTION link  to call your legislators.

TAKE ACTION NOW. Thank you for joining us as advocates.

Jennifer Krout